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Version: 0.5.12

Starwhale Task SDK


Get a starwhale.Job object through the Job URI parameter, which represents a Job on Standalone/Server/Cloud instances.

def job(
uri: str,
) -> Job:


  • uri: (str, required)
    • Job URI format.

Usage Example​

from starwhale import job

# get job object of uri=https://server/job/1
j1 = job("https://server/job/1")

# get job from standalone instance
j2 = job("local/project/self/job/xm5wnup")
j3 = job("xm5wnup")

class starwhale.Job​

starwhale.Job abstracts Starwhale Job and enables some information retrieval operations on the job.


list is a classmethod that can list the jobs under a project.

def list(
project: str = "",
page_index: int = DEFAULT_PAGE_IDX,
page_size: int = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE,
) -> Tuple[List[Job], Dict]:


  • project: (str, optional)
    • Project URI, can be projects on Standalone/Server/Cloud instances.
    • If project is not specified, the project selected by swcli project selected will be used.
  • page_index: (int, optional)
    • When getting the jobs list from Server/Cloud instances, paging is supported. This parameter specifies the page number.
      • Default is 1.
      • Page numbers start from 1.
    • Standalone instances do not support paging. This parameter has no effect.
  • page_size: (int, optional)
    • When getting the jobs list from Server/Cloud instances, paging is supported. This parameter specifies the number of jobs returned per page.
      • Default is 1.
      • Page numbers start from 1.
    • Standalone instances do not support paging. This parameter has no effect.

Usage Example​

from starwhale import Job

# list jobs of current selected project
jobs, pagination_info = Job.list()

# list jobs of starwhale/public project in the instance
jobs, pagination_info = Job.list("")

# list jobs of id=1 project in the server instance, page index is 2, page size is 10
jobs, pagination_info = Job.list("https://server/project/1", page_index=2, page_size=10)


get is a classmethod that gets information about a specific job and returns a Starwhale.Job object. It has the same functionality and parameter definitions as the starwhale.job function.

Usage Example​

from starwhale import Job

# get job object of uri=https://server/job/1
j1 = Job.get("https://server/job/1")

# get job from standalone instance
j2 = Job.get("local/project/self/job/xm5wnup")
j3 = Job.get("xm5wnup")


summary is a property that returns the data written to the summary table during the job execution, in dict type.

def summary(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:

Usage Example​

from starwhale import jobs

j1 = job("https://server/job/1")



tables is a property that returns the names of tables created during the job execution (not including the summary table, which is created automatically at the project level), in list type.

def tables(self) -> List[str]:

Usage Example​

from starwhale import jobs

j1 = job("https://server/job/1")



get_table_rows is a method that returns records from a data table according to the table name and other parameters, in iterator type.

def get_table_rows(
name: str,
start: Any = None,
end: Any = None,
keep_none: bool = False,
end_inclusive: bool = False,
) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]:


  • name: (str, required)
    • Datastore table name. The one of table names obtained through the tables property is ok.
  • start: (Any, optional)
    • The starting ID value of the returned records.
    • Default is None, meaning start from the beginning of the table.
  • end: (Any, optional)
    • The ending ID value of the returned records.
    • Default is None, meaning until the end of the table.
    • If both start and end are None, all records in the table will be returned as an iterator.
  • keep_none: (bool, optional)
    • Whether to return records with None values.
    • Default is False.
  • end_inclusive: (bool, optional)
    • When end is set, whether the iteration includes the end record.
    • Default is False.

Usage Example​

from starwhale import job

j = job("local/project/self/job/xm5wnup")

table_name = j.tables[0]

for row in j.get_table_rows(table_name):

rows = list(j.get_table_rows(table_name, start=0, end=100))

# return the first record from the results table
result = list(j.get_table_rows('results', start=0, end=1))[0]